
By using the Ceramill Therm 3 high temperature furnace, zirconium oxide frameworks achieve their final density and the resulting outstanding material properties. For sintering, the objects are placed on sintering beads which guarantee a low friction sintering process and thus ensure distortion-free frameworks. The Ceramill Therm 3 offers a high level of process safety through its constant temperature control and homogeneous temperature distribution throughout the firing chamber. This gives the user the control and certainty whether the frameworks have reached their final density and thus their strength. 250 sintering program positions are available to the user, of which 3 are already pre-programmed with validated AG sinter programs.

250 sintering program positions of which 3 are validated AG programs
3 stackable sintering bowls for maximum utilisation of the furnace
Sintering at the press of a button – very easy operation with touch-screen technology
USB interface for program updates and log files for monitoring firing

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